MacLibre is an Open Source Software Distribution for Mac OS X. It's simple, intuitive with applications you need. It brings a new way of software installation on your Mac.
Project developed during the Google Summer of Code program under the terms of the GPL public license, mentored by the WinLibre team.
Google Summer of Code 2008 edition
Here it is !
Google just announced the 2008 edition of its Summer of Code !
MacLibre and WinLibre would like to participate this year again. Over the past three years, our participation has lead to great new projects as Infra Recorder or MacLibre...
So here is our 2008 proposals page. Feel free to interact with us to improve these proposals !
Open Source Mac
MacLibre is now referenced on
10.000 !!!
We've just reached 10.000 downloads !
Digg MacLibre !
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I'm working on page layout, design and content. Stay tuned for updates...